Friday, September 17, 2010

Quantum leap

As the days go by. . .

So it's about to snow and like usual I am excited for this, the first snow always reminds me of washing away everything bad. Start clean fresh and new. I have nothing to complain about these days except I am oh so lonely, turns out the friends I thought I had are no longer around, once you are knocked up no one wants to hang out with you! such a drag. .
 I can remember when all I needed was an old opiate friend, a reminder that I was not alone. Turns out I was fooled, in a haze, caught up in the fun??
No, I am not alone, I have Aurick here with me. Even if things go bad with JD and I there will always be little Ari and I.
I miss Danielle like crazy though, she could make me smile through anything. I miss Ross ALLOT those are probably the only two I think I will always miss and love, others seemed so fake.Now I'm not saying that I don't love or miss anyone else, I can just feel the longing for them in my bones. .
You think Helena is bad for me? it probably is...
Oh! I am 34 weeks along now! not long till I make the mommy leap! weird!!!!!
Alright, time for bed.


  1. aww honey i love you too and i miss you...i wish you were in portland with me. it is...*sigh*...heaven

  2. I feel the same about rain as you do snow. I wish that I had been around more up there adn we could have gotten to know eachother better! I am so excited for you that its getting so close to the due date. Please always remember your loved by many people.

    Katie P
