Friday, September 24, 2010

The great pumpkin

Can I say that I am so glad 30 Rock is back on?  I know I know it's only a television show but it's so amazing!

I guess with that being said you now know I have no life. . . nope, im just sitting here growing something inside me. think about it.

My pa comes home tomorrow which is weird because they found 2 blood clots in his brain, wouldn't that make it risky to fly? I thought so. . .
Hmm. . . My dreams have been so weird lately, I dream that I am awake doing things when really I am snuggled into my bed, gotta watch out for that.

I hope I get to go Trick or Treating this year, I can be a pumpkin, im already round enough! ha!
Also, I want the book the Fall buy Guillermo Del Toro because he can write some scary stuff and I think books are WAY more scarier than movies I mean the book the shining scared the shit out of me but the movie not so much.

yep yep. looks like I have no more to write. Oh! Ross! lets send post cards? I have some weird ones. .

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