Friday, September 10, 2010

The future hangs over our heads. .

Back from the hospital. . .
Turns out he had a blood clot  in the right artery in the side of his neck that got pushed up int the nerves in the back of his right eye, creating the blurred vision which may or may not come back, if it does it will be around a year. It's still pretty serious because it could happen again and the next time it might not go to his eye  but to his brain.  So pretty much he had a stroke of the eye, weird! But oh so glad that he is alive and we know how and what to fix now.

Other than that, life is good. Went to the Dr today, gained a pound. Baby is  about 5 pounds now so he's doin good. . 

Yep...going to eat some cereal. yummmmmy


  1. Amanda, I know things seem hard but I am so thankful your dad is ok and that they figured out what happened. Your in my thoughts and prayers as well as your dad and baby! You guys need to visit the west coast again and maybe we can get together!


  2. Ive been known as katie bug but i dont think from you! haha its katie petrick, steves ex

