Sunday, February 20, 2011


I chose this title because it's the song that made me fall in love with Radiohead all over again, what am I saying? I could never forget about them. lets face it. . . I haven't posted anything on here in a long, long time. Allot has happened....I had a baby, that's huge!! And I'm not going to lie, it's hard. It is REALLY hard being a mom. I have somehow become a very patient person, you kinda have to when you have a baby screaming in your face for the better part of the day. Aurick is a colicky baby and it sucks. colicky babies seem to cry for no reason, they cannot be comforted by ANYTHING. The real reason behind it is an upset stomach which can be cured by breastfeeding but I for some reason NEVER got any milk, my child was starving and I had to give him something and that something turned out to be formula. That broke my heart. I had been looking forward to bonding with my child in a way that can't be recreated. I tried everything, all the herbs you can think of. An all oat and tea diet. . meditation. . warm baths . . laying in bed naked with him. . massage. . . and anything else anyone at all would recommend. I had to learn to get over that although I do secretly blame myself every time he is upset from the colic. Put all of  that to the side. I love being Auricks mommy. I have taken over this roll in life and it feels like home. Feels amazing. I still have a hard time sometimes with trying to fit into things like my life now and  my life in the past, but I'm doing a good job with balancing everything. . . Or so I think.